N.J. (Part 3)


“Our liberation from obsessive thoughts is Jesus Christ” (2019)

1.Miraculously actuarial,

the woes on Chorazin/Bethsaida paint

one category of true balances. 

False balances abhorred, Suleiman say.

True balances confirm one's foundling faith,

confirm consistency's miraculous 

expansion. Called miraculous because

of able absence on an inner plane

of outer contradiction sand traps. Shoo!

Obsessive thought is flavoured alien.

2. You hardly need ouija boards

to hear from the unkind undead 

They have to work around the house

you see, the house one calls a head.

They are a hate track in your mind!

obsessive thought that is not you,

and just like you they were designed. 

A single human being is a crew –

“alone yet not alone” -- more than

it knows. For manimals are brutes,

within them beasties. Welcome in!

Welcome aboard to bearing fruits,

to doing good because it’s good

and not to get promoted, make 

a killing, wow the neighbourhood.

God is our good for goodness sake.

3. Obsessive thought-forms know how to induce

perversions of legitimate pursuits.

for instance turning love of solitude

(where also loved our Lord) into a curse

upon all sociality but roads,

encyclopedias, and similar. 

Our vaunted solitude is simply not

a thing! “[A]lone yet not alone”, God said

when incarnating in the nick of time.

We have no actual privacy at all. 

4. Do you resent this? Mind's eye: summon shape

of yon resentment. How does shape compare

with lust or hate? Our squirm of evil is

rebellion, as its wang in harvest field

or inbox indicates, a dark pinched flare

of evil, weevils in the hearts of hates.

Our tweezers wander like a lion to 

devour, (No one wields such gentle tongs

as God.) warily wander axial!

and spherical! and dazed! We are so cruel.

5. The architecture of obsessive thought

may be inverted to “excuse” and not 

accuse” the neighbour whom we claim to love; 

that is, it may be turned against itself.

Regeneration hollows lions out

like jack o’ lanterns, grows a rabbit in

their hearts. Uniqueness of their washing does

not simply go away, well represents

domestication in the house of God.

The mental lion lies down with the Lamb.

“Regeneration's 'Second Work of Grace'” (2019)

Humiliating: it’s His talent. We’re 

no good, not in ourselves, motes in sunbeam.

The same sword pierces through us meme by meme.

as fate’s machinery, mates’ hates, near fear,

all grinding of sandpaper in our lives --

backbiting comments, flat tyres, nagging wives --

conspire to rob us of free, fragile peace

where it makes sense to quest for golden fleece.

We believe we live forever in the Word,

not out of it: the sword that pierces through,

the First and Second Comings' “...all things new”

"...is within you"! Now, comforted and spurred,

to speak of He who is our bitten tongue,

our tact, our managed temper, each good deed.

His way He works in us, so seldom sung,

fosters humanity in us indeed

who were brute beasts before His spirit lit

us, next explained flown evil thoughts as flood,

thus how led land lay. Pulled one from the pit,

He did: out of mire muck, out of the mud,

out of the Mariana Trench where one preened, prone

to absence of executive control

with callous arrogance, heart hard young stone,

a rutting chimpanzee's worth of lost soul.

…Love happened in one’s living room, vast joy

not an emotion but His living mind.

He really does love veering humankind.

He frees us to be far more than a toy.

“Day-Star Rising” (2019)

1. The New Church Writings hide no less than a rosetta stone

the startling frame of which precise alignment with the Word

confers an answer key add-access code, much as our Lord

unlocked Nehushtan-Resurrection, this a thousandfold.

This eerie Earth is like an icy stream wherein the Lord

exposes humankind! We’re in a tadpole factory now.

The proud prowl, so bewildered and obsessively in pain.

The envious, likewise tormented as a leaking boat,

must live this truth that sets them free to be led by the Lord:

that Jesus is our goodness and our status and our skill;

that saying less than this if well-aware is thievery!

That God respects not persons? Why, this same sword in us all.

2. The positive desire to serve the Lord & all mankind 

is Heaven; fear of punishment lives out prospective hell.

The observation of one’s thoughts in order to observe 

for flares of evil, be these wheresoever found, is God’s.

We do not steal Ferraris, do not lop off heads; therefore

our trouble is within, from which proceed obsessive thoughts,

the same discoursed on by the Lord, which

are the bulk of human sin. You’d think they’d look inside, those

lovers of the Lord (who said the Kingdom was within)! 

You look within, you watch for evil thoughts and you confess

them to the Lord. Not that you cannot mention them to all,

didactically to indicate interiors for all.

3. For instance, one resented people for such trivial

transgressions as the soiling of a plastic bag. You tell

the Lord these things, you bring up anger management, you care

about this pressing taming of your animality,

this phase shift from Accusing Saul to the Excusing Paul

(if so be His regeneration dwelleth in your heart)

amid domestication, our resentment crucified,

as crucified as bitterness and foolishness and hate.

It’s these we crucify; it’s cruelty, a serrated tongue

we crucify. We need not crucify our joy of life, 

gift of the Lord, but evil thoughts and evil habits, lies

and greed and lust and doing good for gain. Hence “Watch and pray"!

“Hel-lo, Tik-Tok” (2020)

Industrial society: more bolt

of lightning than a plan; worn waves of Rust

Belt, not insidious conspiracy;

a torn, crushed, crumpled Red Bull can in mud,

a shopping cart abandoned by the road.

Not that some wave crests do not cackle now

& then, pent penthouse sociopathy

divided even as strewn street gangs are.

The robots walked into our city on

their soft robotic feet,

walked down our street -- last glimmering of an

explosion – on their soft robotic feet,

walked out of it, diminishing into

bright distance. Soon they are Tik-Tok again.

Bold busybodies crisscross neighbourhoods, these

faceless in proportion to surveillance.

Starlings murmur from the sky in abject shock.

“The pouring of the oil and wine from dawn(1) till eventide(3)” (2020)

Your propium, your ego, fallen flesh,

yon heart of stone that nearly fills your jar

is doomed! unless the Saviour fills that jar

with holy living water from the New

Jerusalem out of a boundless sea

of oil and wine, like Zeno's paradox

flipped right-side up, perfecting without end,

infinitesimal Ezekiel's feet

no longer able to touch ground. But if

you dare to touch that oil and wine, you kill

two witnesses, you crucify two thieves,

which is the night, the feet of iron and clay,

which is the fourth phase pale horse, death and hell,

when voice of bride and bridegroom sound no more.

Dead night is when the priest and Levite pass;

they pour not oil and wine into those wounds

inflicted on one robbed and left for dead.

“They're gonna hang Confucius from the sour apple tree” (2020)

Concerning CHAZ-cum-CHOP: Orange Man poopooed by Jenny

Durkan. Paris Commune. Late-stage Marxist-Leninism.

Thou shouldst not revile yon Orange Man, lest and anger haunt thee.

Thou shouldst not participate in a Two Minutes Hate, not any.

Parallel developments of dialectic ideologies.

Wars: Position? Motion? Late-stage Smithist-Financism

octopus of aggregation squid ink bubble pop, we're very busied!

War of Motion! Apparatchiks. Old Boy's Club. Both carbon

credits, Black Lives Matter intersectional convergence,

counterhegemonic. Trump poopooed by Governor Jay

Inslee. '...States Rights, Leninism sitting in a tree, k-

i-s-s-i-n-g...' Hyperinflationary debt

pop insurrectionary epic octopus-headache crescendo

shambles positive disintegration... 'will have order!'

Order in this fort! Calexit? Red Guards. Washorexit?

Red Guards pull Jeff Davis down... “We're gonna hang Jeff Davis

from the sour apple tree.” The mob has been unleashed, has

just pulled down slave trader Edward Colston's statue, dumped in Bristol

harbour. Neither “Classless” nor “Democracy” but one word,

oligarchy! Oligarchic interlocking, aggregation

paralleling other forms of global integration.

State of the Whole People, meet Democratism.

Sure, they're Marxist-Leninists, but you can always buy those

wholesale, much like mobs. A word on CHOP: Riddikulus. A

phrase on synthesis: Far Centre. Nourished must the genii be with fear.

Red Dawn done did it with Americans! Stunned stampede

mass hysteria coronovirus Great Depression.

Insurrectionary-foreign war: Novemberrevolution,

1918-19; Red October: 1917. Red Mafia.

“Red sky in morning, sailor's warning.” Red Guards pull down values.

Wen2hua4 Da4Ge2ming4 hua4... They're gonna hang Confucius from

the sour apple tree. They wanna pull down Washington,

they wanna pull down Jefferson. They wanna deconstruct all

hegemonic values. Red News, Education. Children

chanting, holding carbon credit signs up for their masters.

Children chanting as once college students did before them.
“Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge”. Red, white, and blue,

How do you do? These Hectic Twenties get to you, Red, white

and blue? You're looking sick Red, white and blue, you're writhing hun.

You 've got you a hyperinflationary insurrection,

hun. Talking 'bout you, Red, white and blue! My land, you gotta

pull yourself together hun! Red. Red. Red. Red. Red. White.

I wonder who is paying for the Marxists and the mobs

and what will happen to the people, people who lost jobs.

Mine eyes have seen professionals stampeding to the moon,

susceptible as buffalos to any passing tune.

Their willingness to come aboard those contact tracing apps

stands out to me as clearly now as squiggly lines on maps

amid the driving rapids' churning, drilling them with dreaming.

44 I know not whom but raise our flag at twilight's last gleaming.

“Temptations Great Flood Swollen Jordan Fire” (2020)

We wake up in a body with a mind

a long time before learning to be kind,

infested by the tapeworms of the soul,

the ones whose present was a lump of coal

who spark up flames within that you enjoy

or don't, flames they enjoy and which destroy,

flames which destroyed them when they walked the Earth,

though in externals they displayed their worth.

We wake amid the shambling bodies here,

the waking personalities we near

with language and with action, knowing not

if in between their ears they are a bot

or not. So much depends on watching minds

for enemy behaviours of all kinds,

on seeing from more inwardly with love,

the charity of conscience from above.

The flood of infestations bridle men

who know not they've been taken for a spin.

The flood of evil thoughts whose wily wang

competeth not with joy; its oily tang

distinguished from our good thoughts, actions, goals.

Beneath Good's bridge lurk shadows, shambling trolls,

ships shipwrecked far from cozy hearths, firm shores.

No organ of our bodies, these are sores,

these piercing thoughts of deadened reprobates –

the nagging emphasis on one it hates --

known as intrusive thoughts to people now.

You're never quite alone behind your brow.

The thoughts of reprobates that flood your head,

perhaps distressed insomniac in bed,

perhaps amid torn turmoil of bright day

in shadowy recesses on the way

comprise the fiery trial which tempts your soul,

the great flood and what time the Jordan's swole,

the 40 days and nights of Jesus' fast,

the 40 years the Church of Sinai passed,

the Red Sea that destroyed all Pharaoh's host

through which the Israelites from coast to coast

proceeded like the house built on the rock

through fiery flood which purifies the flock.

“Our Father Jesus, Saviour of the World” (2020)

He is the light and heat. We are the dust.

That image causing jealousy? Our lust.

He is the love and truth, the joyous sound

of bride and bridegroom, wherewith we abound;

abound that is with mutuality

sincerity, with true sodality

and charity with everyone within.

Our Saviour from hereditary sin

is that same highway in the desert fools

can even travel as their lava cools.

He is the testing opportunity

to live forever and in unity.

He melts the biggest ice chips in our hearts.

Thereafter, even if by fits and starts,

the littler ice chips cannot bear His heat.

(His is the truth we drink, the good we eat);

these ice chips being lesser grudges, chips

on shoulders, feuds involving snarly quips,

and suchlike baggage in the cargo bay

which we resist such that it flees away,

attenuating to a shadow here

so that a true conjunction can cohere;

that is, conjunction with the God Man by

conjuncting good and truth with the Most High.

The Divine Human is Almighty Lord

and God and everlasting Father's Word;

and even people who don't know His name

can still conjunct, still play Love's hidden game.

For name is like to have a good name is;

so those who do His deeds are truly His;

not Nicolaitans, for a reward!

but even out of sight of one accord,

with all who live this way, conjuncting well

with Heaven as opposed to with some Hell.

Be not surprised that Jesus sometimes lets

the sand into your oyster shells and then,

(once we've become aware of law thus sin),

the rain temptation waterblasts your house

with vile insinuations like a mouse

or many mice perhaps, annoying as

a nagging voice some man or woman has.

It nags all night as accusation piles

on accusation, fantasising wiles

succeed each other, resist our control.

So far as we oppose them, so far whole,

so far abundant, liberated from

enslavement, beating to a different drum,

the mutual love of Heaven in our hearts.

This is the unity He makes of parts


and why we woke up in a ticking bomb

that starts out dancing, then falls in the tomb,

same belly Lazarus lay in 3 days.

This is life's meaning beyond all the haze

of battle, nags within and nags without,

the frenemies, the hypocrites, the shout

and bustle of metropoli, hired mobs'

two-way conduction and whatever robs

the people of their dearly purchased dough.

And those same people reap as they did sow.

We'd best sow good thoughts and good deeds or else!

The reprobate in fiery shadows dwells.

They share our heads to fructify our souls.

They hate us, even what we love, our goals.

Such is the flame of testing in our hearts,

becoming Moses: humble, skilled in arts

of the Egyptians, sure the Lord is light

that lights our bulbs, a truth that dispels pride,

and that gives envy no place to abide.

“Field Notes on the Living God” Spring 2020

Jesus Grew Up + From Everlasting
from wilderness unto Gethsemane

from His 1st Flood unto the victory on

the Cross which glorified, fully fulfilled

Isaiah 9, verse 6, His wandering

in Sinai fiery furnace fiery trial

unto the tears of blood among the blooms

among which He proceeded towards night's cross,

His victory overcoming cornerstone,

the cornerstone of best fit of all lines.

The God Man, Divine Human Jesus Christ,

addresses us in verses of best fit,

aims for the most regenerations,

(a maximum utilitarian approach

exactly in accordance with the love

of liberty) and blooms within us at

exactly when we can be kept in love,

a love that gradually gets purified.

A pure relational event transpires,

and following this brush with joyous dawn

you no more need the proof of which they speak

than need to prove your partner has a mind.

Regeneration sucks the poison from

our wounds, our wound up fantasising lusts

for anything, not just arousal in

the narrow sense, but anything at all.

It's Jesus who instructs how to love,

who flows into our stockpiled divine truths

as wine into a vessel, brightly shines

from Mt Paran, blooms-rises in the heart

the hunted hare has, gentleness upon

it, has it, cups it carefully, so much

more carefully than we cup ants (but great

by far than we above the ants, His love

sustaining us from plunging into Hell!).

Beyond our thoughts in secret passageways

outside of training forms like time and space,

belief becomes instruction in the art

of love instead of bitterness, first stir

of mutual love, the pearl of great price known

as charity, the charity on which

the law and prophets hang, the cuckoo clock

of prophecy, the passion play of fall

in charity in course of quarters, love

consociating us where we most belong.

He knows that many simply will not believe

so gives us many leaves for healing lands,

domesticates hereditary sin,

the tendencies thereto which we all have.


He does not need one's testimony but

our everlasting Father Jesus Christ,

that inexpressible and holy joy

who calibrated what is holiness

was clearly intertwined with all

conception and all creativity –

“without whom there is nothing done that's done” --

and outside ordinary time and space.

Joy taught one thereby how to overcome

past bitterness, establishing excuse

upon excuse for other people, how

to notice one's wound up severity.

This is not dogma! these are field notes here,

this happens as your partner happens, as

a migraine happens, as the radio

will bongo, as we drain a dram of dream.

These then are field notes on the living God

relational event dawn Jesus Christ

one can't express! such intricate and vast

expansive silent organ music! How

dawn helped one get up in the morning! How

His love instructed one in noticing

the other human beings, loving them

(1st Thessalonians 4:9, I believe),

the mutual love of Jesus in our hearts

that swallows up the flood the dragon spews.

“The marks of sin and error in the hand and in the head” 4-2/3-21

Hysterical totalitarian

humongous “Long Emergency” Peak Oil

Peak Everything Peak Population Eek!

Despite totalitarian features in these creepy crawly men

I would be more concerned about our error and our sin.

Seek Him and worry not about the mark

in head which is the same old sin or mark

in hand that is the same old error, not

some technocratic fearporn zombie film

catastrophism worry lest one damn

oneself by getting barcode, feeding kids!

It winds them up with burning fear, it rends their hearts.

May all such fearporn on this Earth be broken down for parts.

There's too much boogabooga, Brave New World...

Like smog, it can't be healthy for the young

or old or “man unkind”. Fear is itself

totalitarian, so never believe

a Big Lie if you can avoid mere faith

in governments and corporations to

be affable sincere upfront and not

have interests, some inimical, perhaps,

to citizens who have a conscience left.

You have enough to keep you up at night,

need oil and wine poured in your wounds, and light!

Let's flee their clutches to our nearby calm

tranquility alertness diligence

renewing spirituality! May dawn

of timelessness within the flesh of time,

the fountain of His timelessness in us,

instruct you, bloom in you, convey you forth

in safety, well up in your conscience like

a lamp! Let not this world dishearten you.

Let not this treacherous ochlocracy's

canned cancelation cancel you for good.

Let not this stampede with a million eyes

surveilling all with not cabal but mob

suspicion, roving revolution, Rome,

stamp over you with hooves of cesium

and technocratic sacking of Bastilles,

and anarchic surveilled swiveling eyes!

O Lord, open their eyes that they might see

the nurturance and light you showed to me.

Lest gentle bread and subtle wine die out,

degenerating into eating bread with care

by measure, drinking water (wine too) with

astonishment, may God blow on the coal

of His Church in the wilderness of here

and now; that gentleness may prosper here

as in the Heavens not the bread of night

and wickedness and mourning; and that wine

and not the wine of violence of the lie /

the error / the distortion may light up

this labyrinth with glory, inmost breadth.

He rides the horse of understanding in the Word

beyond the flicking surface angel's flaming sword.

“Scratched Doodle on Exam Room Desk” Autumn 2021

We saw an Empire crash and burn:

most humans cycle more than learn,

She paints her wrath with Cynthia and Steve.

this came as no surprise. We praised

its sunset with our lips but dazed

(we had to after all, because

of the hysterical totalitarian stampede)

among the liars in our heads

He paints his envy with the face of Tom.

which suckle on our empty dreads

we see a dream we choose of love

or hate as light by shadow, dove

by owl we crumble in the room

where Jesus's sword cuts through

our foreheads and our hands with flood and fire,

where we are choices in His loom.

She never ceased to paint her wrath with Cynthia and Steve:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

We reap the whirlwind that we sow

be this a lifetime of mere self

a grape skin empty bottle

lightbulb's filament, a mote of dust

or prospering our neighbour's health.

Our automation phase shift looms

Watch out for hating people you don't hate!

in offices and living rooms

as mass society stampedes.

They paint their issues with your face!

True warnings happen. No one heeds,

or few. The technocratic mob

howls. Someone guiltless has no job.

He never ceased to paint his envy with the face of Tom:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

“Death to TV! Death! Death! Only Death! ” (2021)

Men trust their Project Fear feed far too much,

endangering their liberty and mine

with mass hysterias of feedback loops,

should notice the red flags inherent in

such strident 'news'. You want to make the world

a better place? Get rid of it, don't let

the vilest human devils on this Earth

not only wind you up with fear but make

a profit in the bargain! You should not

allow this evil curse to rule your house,

to lie to your own spouse and your own kids.

“Elegy for the Victims of Hysterical Totalitarianism” (2021)

FEAR The humans are stampeding on the veldt,

Hey citizens! The wonderful experimental drug

FEARPORN stampeding down the interstate,

is ready, it's on special, wow! Let's do this!

FEEDBACK LOOPS in a blind panic

Look, they're lining up, celebrities

and all! There's Midwin Charles! Oh wait there's not.

Or was one heck of a coincidence!

SUBLIMINALS whilst wild calliopes galumph.

  1. Unplug electric cobra.

  2. Change the world.

“We're going to need far more tentacles than this!” (2021)

If Centre abnegation Overton

contraction led to Hard Right, Hard Left or

Hard Centre (being Far's successful fruiting), one would hope

for such a leader as the noble Salazar.

For Abnegation of the Centre leads to Overton

contraction → Polarised society → Disequilibrium.

Hard Left – Hard Centre – and Hard Right vie with the abnegation caste;

whence Stalin, Salazar, and Strident Mustache, not at Yalta but

as though. Before the silence falls, now know:

The abnegation of the Centre muffles language as

speech muddies, renders it mob-hashtag rule

instead of English, plants mines in precisely truth,

kills cities. Crumbling infrastructure – Debt –

The terrorising of selectorates and courts --

Fearporn-imbued, totalitarian Move! Move it! Move along!

hysteria – Steered automation idle people bomb –

The situation's far too complex and

dynamic for the present leadership

to even grasp! Sock puppets do not rule

but file the paperwork of tidal waves

with Globalism's Moolah (1) and its State (2),

which both not just the first will aggregate

in interlocking of directorate.

Unlike 'Reptilians', this one boasts proof!

Those stuffed shirts simply are not bright enough

nor brisk enough to keep with the Earth

they 'rule' supposedly in Parliaments

and boardrooms, think tanks and foundations, but

don't actually; they're more like surfers on

our wave, and then our wave is over. They're

relieved not to be dangling from a post

who now and then might implement the Moon

and lash The People with mere urgency.

“The ripples of His having come again”

Before the 2nd Coming, it was simpler far

to hide one's inner predilections with a mask,

whereas these sorting outers days we scream out what are,

at least comparatively, new wine in new flask.

The shockwaves of His Comings radiate in waves

that drown the Nephilim, drown also Pharaoh's troops

and raise His New Church morning white horse from their graves,

a head of gold, the faithful city in fresh groups

and fresh considerations, patching not the old.

He came, Friends, like a thief just like He said

He would, just as discreetly as He came with gold

wed silver for the inner humans in His head.

He came not to invade the Earth with angel host,

nor with the conquest Jews and Christians thought He would,

but with the fiery teaching of the Holy Ghost,

which maketh all things new like truthfulness and good.

These truths and goods, these rungs on Jacob's ladder should

be married, which is their conjunction with the Lord,

and not adulterous. Choose your forever 'hood

with care along the way and grow to love the Word.

For when adulterous then truth and good

are bread of wickedness and wine of violence, thus

the evil and the false, the harlot's neighborhood.

Hence the commandments taught by God Himself to us.

“The Interlocking of Directorate is Green” (2021)

The East is Red

“My gown stays white

from morn till night

upon the road of Anthracite...” *

Why do the soldiers have a holiday

but not the miners? Curious! For brave

boys and brave men braved darkness and collapse.

“The clock struck twelve,

the mouse ran down....”

Cheaply extractable petroleum

ran down. We ran down Sunset Boulevard

together from Tomorrowland's RustBelt-

ifying lying, or at best half truth-

ful euphemistic language, taking breaks

from all that dirty hectic resource use

& economic growth, a sort of UBI

or Universal Basic Income but

with added fear, hysteria, and lies,

these rapids of recalibration. “Ring

around the rosie,

pocket full of posies,

Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.”

We tried to hold onto increasingly

greased ladders but we all fell down and down.

It came back into fashion to be tough.

“Be not a cancer on the Earth.

Leave room for nature.”

Colony collapse disorder. Massive

drop in bird & insect population.

Yes, “Leave room for nature”; and for freedom.

Yes, “Be not a cancer on the Earth”. Leave

room for liberty. Leave room for liberty.

*This was a historical commercial jingle advertising a train line run on anthracite and thus cleaner mentioned on Wikipedia.

“Once upon a time and space there was a planet” (2021)

with a geometrically expanding population

and a finite resource base. Instead of telling people

why there were so many and dramatic changes

suddenly, it was decided to REDACTED carbon

credits and abortion, homosexuality REDACTED

mobilising children to demand REDACTED

so that aggregating interlocking

of directorate just said that cow farts

didn't want new airports. Sometimes it's expedient to

say that history was your own idea, preserving

thus a shred of dignity. We got so idealistic,

don't you know. REDACTED. Marshall the influencers! “Wake

up the china!” “Wake up, Neo”. Wake up,

Everyman. Ah, winter. Time to sting the drones.

When we touch starfish they just liquify.

Even sardines have gotten tired of us.

Aha! We know! We'll put us under house

arrest and that will keep her very well.

The Science Is Uh Settled (which it never is of course)

as raggedly totalitarian decline declined

to mention, thus REDACTED silence fell REDACTED


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