N.J. (Part 3)
“Our liberation from obsessive thoughts is Jesus Christ” (2019) 1.Miraculously actuarial, the woes on Chorazin/Bethsaida paint one category of true balances. False balances abhorred, Suleiman say. True balances confirm one's foundling faith, confirm consistency's miraculous expansion. Called miraculous because of able absence on an inner plane of outer contradiction sand traps. Shoo! Obsessive thought is flavoured alien. 2. You hardly need ouija boards to hear from the unkind undead They have to work around the house you see, the house one calls a head. They are a hate track in your mind! obsessive thought that is not you, and just like you they were designed. A single human being is a crew – “alone yet not alone” -- more than it knows. For manimals are brutes, within them beasties. Welcome in! Welcome aboard to bearing fruits, to doing good because it’s good and not to get promoted, make a killin...